

I've been wanting to post a new blog lately, but I can't come up with anything to write about. Nothing. I'll try a song and see if it inspires me, but no. Then today, while I was doing math, I felt something on my toe. I thought it was just a little hair or piece of paper or something unimportant like that. So I look down to shoo it off and it's a caterpillar!!! In the house a random caterpillar! I tried looking in a butterfly book to see what it was, but it wasn't in there. I tried looking online and the only thing I found close to it is a Corn Earworm (do you think it looks like that, because I do), but it's not supposed to be around these parts this time of year. I have no idea what it is. Someone help!

If you know what kind of caterpillar/worm thing this is please comment. It's going to drive me nuts. I'm all paranoid right now. I really hope it's not poisonous or anything, because ya know it was on my toe! It's about an inch long. Meanwhile, I'll keep researching online to see if I can find out what the meh it is. It only moves a little bit every 5 minutes. I think it's almost dead. I would just leave it, but it's on my Driver's ED book and I have to do Driver's ED. So now I'm gonna go take it outside and maybe it won't die. Hopefully there aren't others in the house.

That's all for today. No deep intellectual posts (not that my others are, but...). Just a bug. Maybe next time I'll be inspired by something a little more uh inspiring. Until the next post.


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